Class 6 - Coding, AI & Robotics Course
Session 1: Introduction to Coding3 Topics -
Session 2: Backdrop, Costume, and Animation3 Topics|1 Quiz
Session 3: Basics of Algorithm and Flowchart3 Topics|1 Quiz
Session 4: Basics of Pseudocode3 Topics|1 Quiz
Session 5: Getting Started with Quarky3 Topics|1 Quiz
Session 6: Variables: The Multitaskers4 Topics|1 Quiz
Session 7: Arithmetic Operators4 Topics|1 Quiz
Session 8: Conditional Statements3 Topics|1 Quiz
Session 9: Logical Operators4 Topics|1 Quiz
Session 10: Nested Conditional Statements2 Topics|1 Quiz
Session 11: Loops3 Topics|1 Quiz
Session 12: Touch Based Piano2 Topics
Session 13: Criterial in Loops5 Topics|1 Quiz
Session 14: Catch the Fruit Game - Part 12 Topics
Session 15: Catch the Fruit Game - Part 22 Topics|1 Quiz
Artificial IntelligenceSection 16: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence3 Topics|1 Quiz
Session 17: Basics of Face Detection2 Topics|1 Quiz
Session 18: Face Expression Detection2 Topics|1 Quiz
Session 19: Mimic Face with Quarky1 Topic
Session 20: Face Filter - Part 12 Topics
Session 21: Face Filter - Part 22 Topics
RoboticsSession 22: Basics of Robotics2 Topics|1 Quiz
Session 23: Wirelessly Controlled Robot2 Topics
Session 24: Introduction to Sensors3 Topics|1 Quiz
Session 25: Introduction to Actuators3 Topics|1 Quiz
Session 26: Face Tracking with Robot2 Topics
Session 27: Obstacle Avoidance Robot - Part 13 Topics
Session 28: Obstacle Avoidance Robot - Part 22 Topics|1 Quiz
Session 29: Edge Detector Robot - Part 13 Topics
Session 30: Edge Detector Robot - Part 22 Topics|1 Quiz
Capstone ProjectCapstone Project
Application of AI
AI has many applications, which continue to grow by the day. Some of them are:
Computer Vision
AI is used in many popular object recognition systems like self-driving cars, security systems, industrial robots, etc. In this example, the robot identifies the position of the pancakes and segregate using a robotic arm.
Face Recognition
AI is widely used to detect and recognize faces from images. Facebook uses it to identify people in photos and tag them.
AI plays an important role in helping a machine think of a large number of possible positions based on deep knowledge in strategic games such as chess or PUBG. An AI system called AlphaZero taught itself from scratch how to master the games of Chess, Shogi and Go.
Expert Systems
Machine or software that imitates the decision-making ability of humans and uses it to provide explanations and advice to the users, e.g. Youtube uses it to recommend you new videos.
Speech Recognition
Some AI-based speech recognition systems can ‘hear’ others, ‘express’ in the form of speech and understand what a person tells it, e.g., Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant.
Text Recognition from Image
The handwriting recognition software reads the text written on paper and recognizes the shape of the letters and converts them into editable text.
Intelligent Robots
These robots can perform the instructions given by a human in an interactive manner.
In this topic, we looked at the applications of AI. We will see some of these in detail in the upcoming lesson.