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In Progress

Session 12: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence


After this lesson, students will be able to:

  • Understand what is the difference between human intelligence and artificial intelligence.
  • Learn about various Applications of AI.
  • Correlate with the real-world applications of AI to generate an AI mindset.

In this session, students will be learning about artificial intelligence, the difference between human intelligence and animal intelligence. They will also be learning about various advantages of artificial intelligence and it’s various applications in real world.

Students will be given introduction about intelligence, how they can describe a human intelligence and how differentiation can be made between human and animal intelligence. Then they will be taught about the concept of artificial intelligence and advantages associated with the use of artificial intelligence in real world.  Finally, students are given introduction about applications of artificial intelligence and how they are disrupting the human lives all over the world.

Teaching Resources
PicoBlox Code
TitleApproximate DurationProcedureReference Material
Human and animal intelligence10
  1. Access and play Human and animal intelligence lecture slide.
  2. Discuss about what is meant by human intelligence.
  3. Describe about animal intelligence as well.
  4. Give a brief differentiation between human and animal intelligence.

Lecture Slide

Artificial intelligence10
  1. Discuss about the intelligence associated with computers.
  2. Describe about the concept of artificial intelligence.
  3. Give an overview of the advantages associated with the use of artificial intelligence.

Lecture Slide

Application of AI15
  1. Access and play Application of AI lecture slide.
  2. Discuss about various applications of AI.
    1. Computer vision
    2. Face recognition
    3. Gaming
    4. Expert systems
    5. Speech recognition
    6. Text recognition from image
    7. Intelligent robots

Lecture Slide

Concluding the lecture5
  1. Give a summary of the points covered in the lecture.

Lecture slide

Things to Remember
Before Class
  1. Make sure each PC has the latest version of PictoBlox installed and running.
During Class
  1. Make sure they write the script by selecting the appropriate sprite.
  2. Make sure they use the right palettes of Pictoblox Python interface for different functions while writing the code.
After Class
  1. Make sure students save their codes/scripts.
  2. Make sure they shut down the PC/Laptops.